Online Gym Guide
Calm athletic lady performing the bench press

Barbell Flat Bench Press Exercises

Muscles involved MAIN MUSCLES: pectoralis major, triceps, deltoids (anterior) SECONDARY MUSCLES: coracobrachialis, serratus anterior, subscapularis ANTAGONISTS: latissimus dorsi, biceps, deltoids (posterior)   EXECUTION Lie flat on the bench and support your head and back with your hands. Position yourself so that the bar is directly above your eyes, with a [...]

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Human anatomy model

Biomechanical structure of chest muscles

Chest muscles can be categorised into two categories, namely: Muscles with insertion to the humurus Muscles without insertion to the humurus MUSCLES WITH INSERTION TO THE HUMURUS PECTORALIS MAJOR (anterior, superficial) Origin: clavicle (clavicular head: arising from the anterior surface of the sternal half); ribs and sternal membrane (sternocostal head: [...]

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Happy pregnant black woman lifting dumbbells, exercising at home

15 rules for weight training while pregnant

Most women can continue training until the later stages of pregnancy under medical supervision.  -Always check with your doctor before starting or continuing any type of exercise, especially if you are pregnant. -Wait at least four weeks after delivery before returning to full activity, and be sure to discuss your [...]

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Black man suffering back pain


Many athletes use the feeling of “burning” in their muscles to set the rhythm of their workouts without really knowing why. The cause of this feeling is that the metabolism of energy produces cellular oxidation, which releases hydrogen ions from the nutritional substrate due to the action of enzymes. The [...]

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Asian woman weight loss and diet concept


When the objective is to lose weight, people oftentimes erroneously choose workouts involvinga large number of repetitions. The idea is to “define” or “trim” their musculature locally (e.g., by doing the “biceps 21 curl”).  There are two basic biological errors in this approach:1. You cannot lose weight locally by doing [...]

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Man Measuring His Biceps


Numerous theories exist in this area, some of which are actually contradictory. In this section, we shall look briefly at the most modern and widely accepted of these. Muscle is made up basically of muscle cells or fibers, which contract when they receive an electrochemical stimulus. There are basically two [...]

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African Man Measuring His Biceps

The foundations of muscle growth (hypertrophy)

Having looked at the three basic laws of physical training, let us now consider the foundations of muscle growth (hypertrophy), which may be summarized as follows: Good biomechanics • Appropriate rest• Proper diet• Sufficient hydration• Specific workouts• Appropriate frequency• Sufficient intensity• Exercise order• Progressive overload• Exercise variety We could also [...]

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