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‘Prime Time Muscle’ Pays Homage to iconic bodybuilding writer Peter McGough

Tim Wilkins, Terrick El Guindy, and Chris Cormier bring the fans all the latest information and analysis every week on Prime Time Muscle, but every now and then, they take a left turn and offer a history lesson on how the sport of bodybuilding reached the level it has today. One recent episode took one of those turns when they spoke on a man many call bodybuilding’s greatest journalist, Peter McGough.

“He was definitely my all-time favorite writer,” said Cormier, who was the subject of multiple articles under McGough’s penmanship. “Not only a writer, but a mentor.”

El Guindy also recognized McGough as the greatest of all-time, and he explained more about his respect for the late, great writer and editor, including the eye he had for talent that could achieve greatness.

El Guindy said, “Peter had such a tremendous knowledge about bodybuilding. He wrote so eloquently. He was the guy that discovered Dorian Yates before all of us.”

McGough’s connection to the sport goes back to the days of Schwarzenegger, Zane, Columbu, and all the way up to his final years. Long before YouTube and podcasts were the media sources of choice, McGough’s words were those that fans wanted to read the most, whether it was in FLEX Magazine, Muscle & Fitness, or any of the other publications and brands he contributed to over the decades. He passed away due to cancer in late 2020 at 71 years old.

El Guindy summarized why McGough is still so revered within the sport, because of the love he had for it as well.

“He knew the history of bodybuilding like no one else. He also loved the bodybuilders.”


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