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Maj. Gen. John Kline Shares How H2F Can Reshape the Future of the U.S. Army

“This is incredibly important right now,” Kline said.

“If you look at some pro teams, it’s been going on for a while. At the collegiate level, it’s been going on for over 20 years,” he explained. “We want our soldiers to be like athletes.”

One goal of this program is an obvious one – human performance optimization. Soldiers are learning to lift and train properly, eat correctly, become more flexible, and minimize the risk of injury. This is crucial because recruits that haven’t been active before entering basic training may be more susceptible to injury either during that time or later while they are on duty. According to Kline, musculoskeletal injuries are a large reason behind the creation of H2F.

Should a soldier get injured or need help, having a H2F team to help that soldier recover in all five domains will help shorten that recovery time so they can resume their duties. The dietitian can recommend the proper foods to support recovery, spiritual leaders can help address needs in that aspect, and sleep needs can be addressed.

Imagine someone that was on the sidelines for months being able to get back into the field within a matter of weeks or even days.

While H2F teams can help soldiers better recover from injury, the system is designed to help prevent injuries by helping soldiers improve their overall fitness through all five domains.

Kline expressed that H2F could have a positive impact on the culture of the Army beyond those that are active today. Generations of Americans may feel the effects of this program in a good way.

“We want to affect the folks well after they leave the Army,” he shared, discussing how those active soldiers will transition into veterans. H2F can help shape the health and wellness of heroes so they live a longer, healthier life. Aside from the financial impact of that, they will show future generations that may consider service that their health and well-being will be of the utmost importance.

“What parent wouldn’t want their son or daughter to join an organization that cares that much about their health?”

“We have not lowered our standards within the Army,” said Kline. “We are meeting society halfway by helping them overcome obstacles in their paths to becoming soldiers.”

H2F is growing and gaining popularity throughout the Army at a rapid pace. There is a financial commitment that comes with it, but Kline shared that the return on investment will be well worth it. It has already paid off in multiple ways, including a decrease in suicides and other harmful behaviors and an improvement in mindfulness and performance. In short, young soldiers are becoming better soldiers and humans thanks to the connections and relationships that are being created through H2F.

“It’s a team event, all around the well-being of that young soldier because they care about that soldier.”

About 40 teams have already been created since 2020. The original plan in the beginning was to field teams to 110 brigades by 2030. However, they have since accelerated that goal, and they now plan to have all 110 teams by 2029. Kline said that while that number won’t be able to support the entire Army, it will be a large amount.

To do that, they will need the help of a lot of coaches, dietitians, and trainers. By the end of 2024, the Army plans to have more than 500 strength and conditioning coaches and almost 280 athletic trainers on staff. If you’re a strength and conditioning coach that would like to serve America, Kline is confident you can find work in the Army.

“We’re going to deplete America of strength and conditioning coaches,” he stated. “Considering how many teams we’re standing up, and that we’re trying to do it in a short period of time, we’ve been hiring for a couple of years now.”

To help, Kline said they are working to establish an H2F Academy and are developing a 12-week curriculum for non-commissioned officers.

“They would become strength and conditioning coaches, but they would be versed in the other four domains as well.”

Members that enter the Army and get certified through H2F could also have a bright future. Their roles in H2F could help them secure other jobs once they transition into civilian life, and Kline feels that may not even be the best benefit.

“Hopefully they will live better overall lives as well. All the lessons they learn both personally and professionally can be carried with them into retirement.”


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