Online Gym Guide

How Can You Be Physically Fit, But Also Have Erectile Dysfunction?

Please note, this article is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional. All medical concerns need to be addressed by a licensed medical expert.

You go to the gym multiple times a week. Your time there is well spent. You wear the results of your hard work on your body and are proud of what you have accomplished and continue to maintain.

But despite your impressive health and good habits, you are having trouble getting and maintaining an erection firm enough to fully enjoy sex.

If this sounds like you, save your sweat for the gym, don’t stress. There are solutions.

What Causes E.D. In Otherwise Physically Fit People?

It is not uncommon for people who are physically fit to still have difficulty getting or staying erect. There are many factors that can play into this outside of your overall health standing. One or more of these may be causing your E.D.:

What Treatment Options Are Available?

There are a few ways to treat erectile dysfunction. As a doctor and fellow fitness fanatic, I narrowed down the list to my top two professional recommendations for E.D. treatments for otherwise physically fit men experiencing symptoms of erectile dysfunction:

1. Rugiet Ready

They can also contain more than one ingredient, so you can get your E.D. treated by more than one mechanism of action.

Since Rugiet Ready works on both the body and the brain, it is a great option for those who are experiencing E.D. due to psychological factors that prevent you from getting aroused.

Melts also allow for fast onset to action without being affected by food intake, unlike pills.

“Rugiet is everything the company claims it to be. After a few years of (frankly) failure I tried Rugiet and it worked perfectly. Not only was I happy but so was my wife. It works quickly without any side effects. I feel like I’ve been given an important part of my life back.” -Michael N.

2. Talk To Your Doctor

If one or more of your medications have sexual dysfunction as a side effect, talk to your doctor. Often, there are alternative medications that can address your condition without sexual dysfunction as a side effect. Your doctor may also alter your dosage to lessen the side effects.

Otherwise, your doctor will be able to screen for causes and help find solutions, even outside of pharmaceutical intervention.

Remember, meekness does not show results in the gym or in your health in general. Speak up about your needs and goals and get the results you want.

At the end of the day, it is more important to focus your strongest efforts on making sure your body is working for you, rather than working for your body. Health is a holistic matter, and if you have read this far, that means you are taking it seriously and are off to a great start.

Dr. Eric Miller, MD.

Dr. Miller is a board-certified doctor based in Austin, TX. As a passionate fitness expert, he employs a holistic approach to health in his practices.

Please note, this article is not intended to replace a consultation with a medical professional. All medical concerns need to be addressed by a licensed medical expert.


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