Online Gym Guide

Get a Full-Body Blast with this 6-move Landmine workout

With only one gym tool, angled barbell or landmine training allows you to get a great workout with minimal fuss. A few advantages of landmine workout include the following:

Here we’ll dive into six great landmine exercises that complete this full body landmine workout that you can do when you need a full-body training for juicy gains.

These little-known exercises are the best of the best when it comes to bigger gains.

So, with so many landmine exercises, where do you start? You start by covering the basics of hinging, squatting, pushing, pulling, and single-leg exercises. As the landmine is great for unilateral work because of the ability to load up more than other unilateral variations, we’ll throw them in there as well.

The landmine RDL to row combo combines a hinge with a horizontal pull to work every muscle in your posterior. Bent-over rows are a fantastic exercise but can tax the lower back in some lifters. By not spending too much time in the hinge by combining it with the RDL, you get the gains without the pain.

Muscles Trained: Forearms, biceps, posterior deltoids, upper back, lats, lower back, glutes, and hamstrings.

Benefit: Combining the RDL with the row works almost every muscle in your posterior.

How to do it:

Many great landmine squatting variations exist, but the landmine hack squat doesn’t require grip and upper strength like many others. The landmine hack squat is a combo of the hack squat, and the landmine squat is a great option to attack those quads while taking the stress off your lower back.

Muscles trained: Quads, glutes, and adductors.

Benefits: Turning your back against the plates allows you to find the perfect lean and foot position to attack your quads.

How to do it:

The landmine floor press takes the floor press to a new level. This variation has the potential for greater load because the barbell is elevated off the ground, making it easier and safer to get in and out of position. Plus, this allows easier transition between sides because you do NOT have to maneuver heavy dumbbells in and out of place.

Muscles Trained: Chest, triceps, and anterior deltoid.

Benefits: You have greater loading potential with the Landmine floor press than with the dumbbell variation.

How to do it:

The landmine rollout has all the benefits of the ab rollout, including superior anterior core strength in the extended position with a twist. The arc of this rollout variation hit your obliques due to your obliques having to resist the rotation, and you have to do both sides in one set. Double the core gains and fun.

Muscles trained: Rectus abdominals, serratus anterior, obliques, glutes, and lower back.

Benefits: Having a larger plate makes this exercise easier and smaller hard more difficult. You can choose your intensity.

How to do it:

Muscles trained: All three deltoids, forearms, and obliques.

Benefits: Strengthens the obliques and all three deltoid heads in one fowl swoop.

How to do it:

Muscles trained: Adductors, glutes, quads, upper back, obliques.

Benefits: The Cossack squat strengthens and mobilizes your lower body simultaneously.

How to do it:

This workout can be used when the gym is busy, all the equipment is taken, or you have limited time to train. For maximum efficiency, you’ll perform two tri-sets (three exercises back to back) for two to four rounds. In terms of load, if you plan to lift heavy, keep the reps between six and eight; if you want a bigger pump, reduce the load and work between eight to 12 reps.

Keep the rest between exercises minimal, just the time to set up for the next exercise and one to two minutes between trisets.

1A. RDL Row Combo: 6 to 12 reps per side

1B. Hack Squat: 6 to 12 reps

1C. Lateral Raise: 8 to 12 reps per side

2A. Cossack Squat: 6 to 12 reps per side

2B. Floor Press: 8 to 12 reps per side

2C. Rollout; 8 reps per side



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