Online Gym Guide

Here’s Why the Trap Bar B-Stance Deadlift is an A-Plus Variation

Like most deadlift variations, if you cannot grip it, you cannot rip it, making any trap bar deadlift variation a full-body exercise. Here are the primary muscles trained by the trap bar B-stance deadlift:

The beauty of performing lower body exercises in the B-stance is that using the back leg for support allows you to improve single-leg strength with increased stability and safety. Here are a few more vital benefits of the trap-bar B-stance deadlift.

Although the trap bar is pretty forgiving, the B-stance deadlift is still a hinge exercise, and all the hinge rules apply. It still requires more hip flexion than knee flexion and shoulders down and chest up for a neutral spine.

Here are a few more mistakes to be aware of when performing the B-Stance.

Three sets of six to eight reps per side, starting with a load of roughly 50-60% of your bilateral deadlift 1RM, taking two minutes rest between sets. Supersetting this with a recovery exercise works best. For example


Three to four sets of 8-12 reps per side, starting with a load of 50% on your bilateral deadlift 1RM, works best. When building posterior muscle is the goal, superset it with a bilateral exercise focusing on the glutes or hamstrings. For example

Like with most exercises, it pays to keep things fresh with variations to prevent boredom and to keep on the gain train. Here are three B-stance variations to do just that.


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